I was, however briefly, in fine company. The banned books brigade with Judy Blume, John Steinbeck, JK Rowling and many, many others.
Here’s how it went. I posted my first episode of Erotica a la Carte. Itunes accepted it, and boy was I surprised when it popped up into the top 100 of literature in their directory. It was not unrelated I think, that the very same day I got an email from itunes abuse, telling me they had pulled EalC from the directory.
Now there was no explanation or seemingly any method of argument. Not expecting much, but I was kinda outraged. I had used explicit tag, and it had the word ‘erotica’ in it. In addition there were plenty of other erotic podcasts still on their directory.
So I was all upset and angry, until that power of positivity Mr Tee Morris said ‘hey you can spin that’. Hence if you trot over to http://www.eroticaalacarte.com/?p=17 you will find two promos- neither made for me.  The wonderful JD Sawyer and Mr uber-nemesis himself… which are funny and sexy.
So there I was all settled into being banned… and what do you know… the next day EalC was back! No email, no explanation- just back. Now I know several other erotica writers have been kicked off the directory. The only difference we can work out, is I complained and challenged what they had said. I can’t be sure that this made a difference, but I recommend that if this happens to anyone else, you do so. It can’t hurt.
This along with the whole explosion of comments on Escape Pod about my ‘thick’ accent, has made for an exciting week at casa Ballantine.
Thank goodness it is a long weekend. I have a final Pieces Episode to write, another EalC story to produce and most interesting of all, two short synopsis of sequels for Geist to prepare. Yes, Geist is ready for my agent to pitch and she wants broad outlines of sequels for it, just in case. I have plenty of broad ideas for 2 but will have to think a little harder on 3. Now Geist is not specifically designed to be a trilogy, and the first novel is self contained, but there are plenty of threads left over for at least two more books. So since I got sick this long weekend, I will have plenty of time to think about it.
So enough blogging… time to get writing.