Been a tumult this year, but a productive one.
- I recorded Chasing the Bard and posted it to a better reception that I had anticipated.
- I started recording Erotica a la Carte and have found it to be a fun and challenging experience
- I began work on a short story, which became a novella (which got interest, but because I wanted more I had to decline with regret), which is now on its way to being a novel
- I attended DragonCon
- I had a successful launch of my novel Digital Magic, and a heck of a lot of fun with the Double Trouble Promotion with Tee Morris.
- My novel got to #53 on charts
- I had a lot of fun with voicework; including Metamor City, Codename:Starkeeper, Murder at Avedon Hill, and of course Morevi.
- I participated in a fun and challenging collaboration with other podcast authors in the Pieces Podcast
- I got my novel Geist edited and now in the hands of my agent
So what’s ahead in 2009??
- Sell some more novels- but that is the in the hands of my agent and the fates
- Weather Child- my New Zealand novel which has never been published anywhere before will be available as a podcast novel Feb 6th 2009.
- Erotica a la Carte will continue and I plan on having fun with guest chefs in the kitchen while Weather Child is running
- Working on a podcast only collaboration with Tee Morris. Steampunky goodness that may even make some money.
- Digital Magic will be available as a podiobook in the latter half of the year.
- I will be at Balticon to meet those other podcast novelists that I have missed meeting up until now
- I will in in San Francisco to meet Chris Lester and J D Sawyer, both of whom I respect and admire.
- I will be attending the CES in Las Vegas and I expect to learn a lot more on the social media side of things
- Both Digital Magic and Chasing the Bard are up for Sir Julius Vogel Awards in May- and I don’t mind saying I want to win one!
- I hope to have Erotica a la Carte, Chasing the Bard and Weather Child up for some Parsecs in September
- I will finish my new steampunk erotica novel Magic by Gaslight
- I’ll be trying to earn at least 10% of my income by writing, so plenty of schemes for making money are neededÂ
- I’ll be training a new literary cat (or two)
- Plenty of personal life changes that need to be made, but hopefully that won’t affect my writing
- Changes are also in the wind for Whispers at the Edge
- I hope to get to DragonCon again this year depending on finances
Whew, when I write it all done it seems a lot. I just want it to be a happy, productive year. 2008 has been a little bumpy with deaths, emotional turmoil and confusion but I hope for better things ahead. My wish is the same for you and yours.