When I started out working on Erotica a la Carte and thinking how I would manage it I knew there was one issue. Weather Child.
A lot of podcasters make the mistake of working too damn hard- or piling their plates too high. So after doing Chasing the Bard I knew approximately how much work is involved in producing a podiobook on time. It’s hard. And even though Weather Child is a smaller production (mostly due to the lack of lots of kiwi accents) I knew it was going to take a lot of effort.
And yet I am loving doing EalC- so I came up with the idea of having guest chefs in the kitchen. Susan Z of Steampunk Spectacular, J D Sawyer of Antithesis and my main collaborator, Tee Morris, have all offered their talents to me.
This three month break away from EalC means I can concentrate on Weather Child, but also means that other people will have a shot at the fun I’ve been having.
Susan has already got the results from her post, but go to Erotica a la Carte and vote on Dan’s. I love so many parts of this community, and am very excited to be sharing EalC with some of the brightest, best people in it.