OK.. confession time. I have always concentrated my efforts on marketing and connecting with Americans, since they are the primary market for my writing. I need to correct that.
Hanging out with Tee Morris and going to the Conscription Con, I have made more connections and realised that there are indeed podcast and genre peers right here.
So here’s some payback. Two recommendations for writing and genre work in the Land of the Long White Cloud.
- The Podagogue is a kiwi Dan Rabarts reporting on the world of podcasting, podiobooks and other fiction. Dan was asking about podcasting rigs, so I have high hopes that he will join me in the ‘sphere. Who knows- he could be doubling the number of podcasters in NZ.
- And for all those kiwi writers out there don’t forget the Southern Cross Writing Challenge is on. 50,000 words in a month- sounds easy, right…