Writing is hard- make not bones about that. There’s the long hours, the editing, the rejections.. it’s not something that is for the faint of heart. Yet it can also be tremendously rewarding. Then those are those moments which shine.
Today I had one of those moments. It came when I opened an email from my editor at Ace. It is the cover for Geist coming out with Ace in October/November this year.
To say I was happy was an understatement. Not only has the artist Jason Chan done a wonderful job. Here is Sorcha just as I imagined her – and the little details are perfectly correct- right down to her eye colour.
And there is the Rossin (who is so much more than a big ole pussy cat) the right size and shape. Also the description and the font are just wonderful.
Covers are always a dice roll, because rarely do authors get to have any input. I have heard some horror stories, but the folks at Ace and Jason have done me and Geist proud.
If you would like to pre-order Geist then the link is available under Store on this site. It is an affliate link, so gives me a few extra pennies when you purchase.
As I have intimated; from May this year writing and voicework will be my sole means of income. That may seem somewhat crazy, but it has reached the point where I need to concentrate on writing and marketing- making the most of the opportunities that have been given to me.