This may come as a shock to some of you, but I hope no one will freak out with this news.
You will no longer be able to buy a print edition of Chasing the Bard or Digital Magic from DragonMoon Press.
OK… wow that was like ripping off a band-aid. Hopefully you are all still with me.
So let me explain. I signed with DMP back in 2003, and I still recall the excitement when I got my offer from Gwen. It was my first print deal, and a validation for me as a writer. They picked up Digital Magic and through them I got to know and work with Tee Morris. They also let me podcast my novels in their entirety- something unusual in the publishing world.
They gave me me a lot, but things do change. Writing for a living is hard, and unfortunately it has been my experience that being with an indie press does not bring in enough dollars to keep body and soul together.
That may sound harsh, but this year has meant making some hard choices. That’s the difference between having writing as a hobby and having it be your business.
I wish Gwen and Grabrielle at DragonMoon all the best, and thank them for the time and effort they put into teaching me about writing and the industry.
If you want to snag a papercopy of either of these books then I suggest getting in now… they could become collector’s editions. 🙂
So it isn’t all dark clouds and grim news. Times they are a changing, but there will not be a shortage of paper books from me. In the next year I will have three books coming out with both Ace and Eos. So I hope you hang in there with me, and together we’ll see how the ride pans out.