A while back I wrote a short story for my good friend PG Holyfield. The Tales of the Children are set in the world of Caern, and supported the release of Patrick’s Murder at Avedon Hill.
Writing in another person’s universe was a really fun opportunity, and it was nice to get to play with genuine elves. I have always been of the opinion that elves (and the Fey) are not portrayed as dangerous enough.
This floaty, dreamy vision of elves never really flew with me, so when I got to write in Caern, I was determined to write about elves as I imagine them; sharp, deadly and a race you really, really do not want to annoy.
So what happens when humans do what humans do, and invade an elven island. Yep, they bring a whole world of hurt down upon themselves.
Can humans gain a foothold on the island of Kandriel? If Syliene, an elven warrior and priestess of Thei-Shan has anything to say about it, the answer is no.