Often I want to share news with you. Often I want to express my excitement. However these days I cannot just drop news, as I have publishers to consider.
So I pretty much end up looking like a total tease.
Then there are those times when I get the go ahead and I can share the whole story.
This thankfully is one of those times.
*drumroll* So here goes…
The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences will be available to more than just Americans. Yes, Germany, Australia and my homeland New Zealand will all get editions of both books.
This is not only great news for readers…but also for Tee and I. When you get an advance for a book, it is essentially a loan from the publisher to you, saying this is how much money they expect you to make. As an author ‘earning out’, means paying back that loan. It hangs over your head, and if you don’t earn out, selling new books is that much harder. Kinda like having a bad credit score.
So selling foreign rights helps pay back that loan, and get you one step closer to earning that thing you get once you have earned out– royalties!
So this news is very gute nachrichten (good news)!