Yes, more news I have been sitting on for weeks (It’s dang uncomfortable I can tell you!)
I will be New Media Special Guest as Balticon – May 27-30 2011!
It’s my first big Guest role, and I plan to bring the A game to town. I’ll be reading from Spectyr- Geist’s sequel not out until June- and co-hosting with the charming Tee Morris, the release party for Phoenix Rising; a Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences novel.
If you don’t know about Balticon- let me fill you in. It is the Maryland Regional Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention, and it has quickly become the default con to attend if you want to see podcast novelists. It has plenty of other tracks to interest people as well such as Writing and Gaming. So all in all, a well rounded convention.
It’s held at the Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, just outside of Baltimore- and I can attest that this year I had a blast and next year is going to be even better. Not just cos I am going to be the Special Guest…but also a little bird has told me plenty of other podcast novelists will be in town. As an example, last year there was Tee Morris, Phil Rossi, PG Holyfield, Dan Sawyer, PC Haring, Nathan Lowell- and that’s just a taste.
So if you are craving some fun and frolics with podcasters, writers and readers then this is the con for you.
Looking forward to meeting you all next year.