The Science Fiction Book Club has produced some beautiful hardback versions of both Phoenix Rising and the Janus Affair.
There is something about a hardback—even in this day and age of the ebook.
So when news arrived today that the Science Fiction Bookclub wanted to do an omnibus edition of the three Books of the Order series. I got rather excited.They are a nice decent size, and you actually get them at a pretty good price.
Gail Carriger’s Parasol Protectorate Series has been bought out in this format, and I really love what they did with that.
Sorcha, Merrick and Raed’s first three adventures will be out for pre-order in December, and then ready for delivery in January. So readers will be able to get themselves (or someone they love dearly) this omnibus to get them through those grey days of winter.
I am not yet sure what cover they will be going with (Gail’s omnibus editions got a new covers from the paperbacks), but I guess we will find out in the coming months!
I’d be really interested to know how many people still love hardbacks! Tee Morris and I have been using our limited supply of Science Fiction Book Club editions as extra special giveaways, and they do seem really popular.