I’ve mentioned the strange isolation of writing before, and how amazing it is to me that something I pounded out on my keyboard has given people joy or wonder.
So that amazement is even greater when someone goes to all the trouble of making something for me. The lovely Wendy contacted me about producing some gauntlets for me. At first they started off as Sive’s but through a process of evolution which Wendy wrote about here, they became Sorcha’s.
She decorated them with beautiful beads and stones, and I am utterly in awe of her talent. My beloved great-aunt Ruth was a wonderful knitter, and bless her heart, she did try to teach me. I just know she would ohhhhh and ahhhh over these creations.
Strangely, in photos they come out far more blue than they actually are. In reality they are much closer to purple.
So…very excited. Thank you Wendy, you made me smile, and you made me in awe of your abilities. I shall wear these with pride at my next convention.
Speaking of conventions—we’ve had some news on that front too. If you check out the appearances page, you will be able to see what I have planned for the foreseeable future. The end of the year is still foggy, but I am trying to keep my schedule to a manageable…if slightly hectic…one con a month.
So the two new conventions confirmed where I (and Tee Morris) will be attending are Up in the Aether in Detroit, and later in the year OctopodiCon in (not that strangely) Oaklahoma. These are both new cities and new states for me so I am looking forward to meeting some new listeners and readers that I haven’t been able to reach before.
We are sorry not to be attending Balticon this year, as it is our go to convention, but we should be back next year. However, we highly recommend going this year—especially if you are a fan of podcast fiction. Balticon is like a family reunion of those folk, and I hear they are flying in from all over the country to be there.
So there we are; approaching something like organized for 2013. However, in the next couple of months there will be more developments on a couple of projects I’m working on. So hang onto your hats—2013 is going to be another blazing fast year!