It ain’t all sunshine and unicorns out there cupcakes.
I’ve written plenty of blogposts about how awesome the community of writers and podcasters are….and that still holds true…in most cases. However now I think it is time to address the nasty shadows in the corner of your sunny writing room.
There are people out to get you and bring down your brand. You might not know their names, and they might not know yours, but sooner or later your paths will cross. You might be surprised when a strange fellow writer you meet at a convention suddenly says ‘you aren’t fit to lick my boots’. Literally. That’s exactly what they will say. To your face.
The first time it happens, it will feel like a slap. You’ll be left dazed, and wonder ‘what did I do to them?’ or ‘why on earth would they say something like that to me?’ If they are ‘a big name author’ you may just want to flee the field altogether wondering if you will ever be able to make it in publishing.
But don’t. That would mean they won.
Here’s the unpleasant truth; not everyone subscribes to the ‘rising tide lifts all boats’ idea.
For some authors trashing other authors is a way for them
- to feel better about themselves
- to guarantee themselves publication (well at least in their head)
- to make themselves look like ‘big man on campus’ to their cronies.
They will take joy in belittling other authors on panels, ignoring them in social situations, or taking to their blog to discuss the totally irrelevant clothing choices of female authors. And yes, we are talking about professionally published authors, some of whom have been in the business for decades.
For some reason, some writers think that your success means there is a little less in the pool for them. They get competitive, want to know sales figures, want to know how well everyone is selling, and can set out the trash people they feel are ‘threatening’ them. They then take to their blogs or open forums, in veiled or blatant ways to stick a stick in your spinning wheel.
There are enough challenges in being a jobbing writing: pulling in a pay check, taxes, selling a manuscript, hell just finding time to write, that we don’t need to rip each other apart. There are so many other ways to help your fellow author, build something, share readers and grow each others sales.
Before you freak out, and if this is your first rodeo, I want to assure you that in all my years writing, there are only a handful of people I have met that have been like this. The kind, helpful people who realise community is a more positive way to go really do outnumber those thrashing around trying to get attention by just being nasty.
Personally, I want to use whatever influence I have to help those with the attitude of the former. The others I will simply ignore and not bother wasting oxygen on. I suggest you do the same as well should you run across those unfriendly beasts.
In parting, my I suggest this as a way to fight the darkside….