This year is coming up on half done, and already I feel like one of those jugglers with the flaming sticks leaping from hand to hand. One comes down threatening to burn my right, and I have to get another one flying from my left.
However, guess what…I love that feeling. It’s so much better than the opposite, sitting around waiting for things to happen. This year is the year of making them happen.
However being a hybrid author means I not only have writing demands, but also publishing ones.
Here’s a little look at what I am dealing with right at this very moment, just as an idea of what the day to day life of a hybrid writer is like.
Right now, Tee and I are in full flight production of The Ghost Rebellion. It might not look like we are doing much from the other side of this computer screen, but behind the scenes things are moving fast. A print proof copy is on the way to us after we completed layout. We are recording and editing for the audiobook. (Who put so many chapters in this damn thing?) We are also marketing to book bloggers in an effort to get people interested in the fifth book of a series.
Verity Fitzroy and the Ministry Seven book, is coming in September, and Immortal Progeny in December. I’ve pretty much worked out at this stage that four months is a comfortable production schedule for me to get everything done. Becoming a publisher while being a writer at the same time is a steep learning curve—but I feel like I am getting a grip on it finally. Luckily I have some talented friends like Michael Ward, Starla Huchton, Jennifer Melzer and Katie Bryski who I can hire to help out. As an aside it feels good paying your friends for their work!
At the same time we are talking to convention organizers about upcoming events, what we can do, what we can offer. Next up is the Steampunk World’s Fair which should be a blast! At the same time there are anthologies and speaking events to manage and schedule.
Almost forgot to mention, I am also writing and updating two projects at the same time. The Hollywood Sentinels is about 2/3rds written, while the Iron Lily is next up. The words must flow after all! Without words there is no production.
Then there is the constant updating of social media. Facebook. Tumblr. Pinterest. Can’t let those fall down.
Oh and podcasting…
This is all in addition to the regular life stuff like cats, child, house, being a semi-functioning adult…
So yeah, flaming, spinning objects passing from hand to hand.
However, life is movement and change. If a writer—especially a full time one—isn’t busy then there is a serious problem. I feel happier about this situation then doing nothing, though I am sure I’d be able to catch up on my Daredevil watching….but that doesn’t pay the bills.
Luckily in all these endeavors, I have my weapons; iCal, Habitica, and a whole wall of whiteboard. I feel like—after six years of full-time writing—I am finally getting into a proper rhythm or organisation. Thank goodness for shared calendars!
Yes, this is a business, yes, it has to make money, but along the way we writers can still have fun. Personally my goal is to have all those books out there, and begin getting feedback from all the readers and listeners. That’s when all this juggling and struggle really pays off.
For now, I’m just going to keep passing those pointy objects from one hand to another, and enjoy the whole, madcap experience. Being a hybrid writer might not be for everyone, but at least it is never boring!