Hold on there Pip, is probably what you are thinking. Did you just jump into the Tardis and head back to 2012?
Well, dear reader, we live in a brand new world of publishing, and since I am *ta DAH* a hybrid writer, I love using all kinds of publishing tools to keep the roof over our head.
I write for New York publishing houses, I jump into small press anthologies, and I produce my own work. Hybrid all the way!
In the dim dark past, when you got your rights back for your writing, there was not much else you could do with it. However, in these wonderful days of diversity and agility, we authors can take these books, spruce them up, adjust the price to how we want, give them new covers, and put them out ourselves.
Thus this brand new cover reveal for Hunter & Fox, with Kindred & Wings to follow. I have added into this edition a short story, Dragonsoul, which I wrote to delve into the history the Shifted Worlds. It’s a little bonus for those of you who might already have the novel.
The ebook is available now, and the print editions will follow once I have Kindred & Wings out. Once again Starla had done a wonderful job of giving me a beautiful cover. I just love the burnished effect.
So click here to buy the ebook, or if you use KU you can read the whole thing.